Welcome to the first of
my series on how to better your photography of products for Etsy (or
any products for that matter). Today we are going to get right down
to the nuts and bolts of how to set up and take a photograph of some
fairly small jewelry.
1. Find a
North-facing window with a windowsill lower than your table.
2. If you don’t have a North-facing window, place a translucent white (not off white) bed sheet or velum paper across the window to block direct sunlight. NOTE: If it’s a cloudy day any window will work. Just remember that there must not be any direct sunlight streaming through the window. The velum/white sheet diffuses the light making it much softer.
3. Pull a table right
up to the window, keeping the table height higher that the height of
the windowsill and away from any window frame that may block the
light or throws shadows.
4. Place a large clean
white piece of paper on the table so that it sweeps up in the back
allowing you to shoot different angles and still have a white
5. Create a reflector
card using clean white foam core or by taping and sheet of clean
white paper to card board or by using a clean white matt board.
6. Turn off any room
lights. This is very important. Most room lights will photograph as a
warm yellow and will defeat the purpose of using the natural window
7. Place your product
about 1 – 2 feet away from the window and arrange.
8. Place a reflector card
on the opposite side of your product (from the window/main light)
keeping it very close to your product and just out of the camera
frame. Move the reflector card around so that it throws light back
into the product to reduce any shadows.
9. Double check to make
sure the light is even across both the product and the background.
10. Compose your shot and
press the shutter*. If it is a bit to dark to hand hold the camera
without shake, use a tripod and set the self-timer on your camera to
10 seconds.
*Remember - If the
white background is the dominate color in your image you must over
expose the shot by 1-2 stops in order to get the proper exposure
otherwise the camera will photograph the background as grey.
Join me every third
Tuesday for more photography tips that will help your product stand
out from the crowd. If you have any questions or topics that you
would like to see covered send me an email at scottboardphotography@gmail.com.
Written by Scott Board
Written by Scott Board
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